William A. Hainline: Reality Engineer

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My OTHER New Baby Is Home!

That’s right, friends. After struggling for years with the almost-impossible task of Orchestration and Arranging for a band simultaneously arranging for a rock band, I got an Arranger. Keyboard Workstation. A Yamaha SX900, in fact. And folks, it is simply . . . Astounding in its abilities. While your piano score plays back with a nice, rich piano sound, the Arranger keyboard does the rest: It gives you a backup band with as many as four guitarists inside an eight-memeber ensemble, and folks, it is terrific. Just listen to how my song now sounds with the Arranger behind it and not just me:

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

What is so amazing is that this keyboard uses actual knowledge of music theory, as well as a powerful A.I. Engine, to “intuit” what you want it to do. Sure it’;s $2,300, but its the best $2,300 I’ve ever spent in my life. Truly it has reorganized and retrofitted my idea of “songwriting,” and it will do the same for you, trust me. And the backup instruments are truly realistic and nothing short of spectacular. Put if this way: No one is going to think those are “MID” performances behind your main melody and chord progressions. No one. Stop in at a showroom today and demo the Yamaha PSR-Sx900 today. It’s. the greatest thing to happen to rock and roll since the Fender guitar. And no, I ain’t kiddin’ around.