William A. Hainline: Reality Engineer

Welcome to the whimsical world of a William A. Hainline, reality engineer supreme. Here you'll find writing tips, movie and music reviews, blasts from the past, and other mutated brain-farts! Welcome to the Monkey House, biznatches!

The go-to site for fans of science fiction writer William A. Hainline. Also the go-to site for non-fans, or anybody else who wants to follow what this curmudgeonly weirdo of a writer is currently up to in the depths of his mad science dungeon.


Whenever you think of the world as an evil place filled with nothing but evil people, just imagine that somewhere, there’s a little girl reading a book about a gang of misfit kids who go miraculous adventures, discover the meaning of life, and learn how to master themselves. Then realize this: She’s starting to make plans.

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