William A. Hainline: Reality Engineer

Welcome to the whimsical world of a William A. Hainline, reality engineer supreme. Here you'll find writing tips, movie and music reviews, blasts from the past, and other mutated brain-farts! Welcome to the Monkey House, biznatches!

The go-to site for fans of science fiction writer William A. Hainline. Also the go-to site for non-fans, or anybody else who wants to follow what this curmudgeonly weirdo of a writer is currently up to in the depths of his mad science dungeon.

Somewhere.... We're Still Winning.

Y'know what I was thinking yesterday? It doesn't matter if the Dems or the Dorks -- I mean Republicans! -- win. Why? Because somebody else already won. The nerds won. Finally, after a long and bitter struggle with the casts of Animal House and Porky's II, the nerds won. We built the Internet. We built the web on top of it. We designed it. It is our brainchild. We also put men on the moon. We invented the steam engine, the dynamo, and the capacitor and transistor. We invented ENIAC and Apple and the Homebrew Computer Club... we invented microwaves, and Disco, and techno, and the tube amplifier so many guitarists have used; we invented the drum machines that "gangstas" record their raps with. Hell, we gave birth to FIVE new "Ages" in just 150 years. That's 30 years per revolution, and we won every time. So before you -- liberal or conservative -- claim victory . . . think that the voting machine the liberal or conservative just used to vote for "you" and then drove their hybrid car home to their electrically-wired apartment. (Tesla was insanely liberal, and remember, his AC power won out, in the end.) And then think about the fact that somewhere, a young girl is committing her first hack. And loving it.

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